Friday, October 10, 2014

Animated Clone Trooper Armor

I wanted to post some photos of my Season 1-3 animated series clone.

This is an ARF trooper, so a specialized clone, but the only difference between an ARF and a standard grunt is the bucket.

Got the box!

had to lay it out

close up of the torso

test fitting some pieces

got the bucket

its slowly coming togther

had to use so much bond to hide the seams

soooo much bondo..... and sanding.....

slowly coming together

and its approved!

Hans' DL-44

Hey everyone, Its been a while since my last post, and I have a ton of stuff to add to this site!  I have 2 new blasters in progress, a new set of armor,  a logo, and a ton of stuff!

This post will be all about the DL-44 blaster.  This is the blaster than Han Solo carrier throughout the trilogy, however you can also see it in the hands of other including Luke.  There are a ton a different versions of this blaster seen throughout the films, and apparently each movie it was slightly different.  The blaster even changed between scenes as well.

For example if you look closely in A New Hope you can see that the blaster Han uses to shoot Greedo (yes Han shot first) is actually different from the blaster he used throughout the rest of the film.  This is due to the simple fact that that scene was shot in California and the movie was primarily shot in England.  There was an issue getting the blaster back to the U.S. so they had to recreate a similar one for the scene.

First lets look at the variations of Dl-44s seen in the movies.

The top one is the greedo killer

Middle is the ANH Hero

Bottom appears to be a

So for my build I wanted to create the DL-44 ANH HERO version!  The end product should look something like this.....

So it all began buy purchasing a mouaser c96 replica pistol off of Amazon.

Im going to try and not write to much and just let the photos do the talking!

Still not done... but making progress.  This was just a mock up as you can tell there are plenty of stuff still missing of this blaster!