Ive spent nearly every available moment so far working on my TK armor, however I still have a long way to go before it is completed.
However I have some good news.... I think I finished my bucket (for now)
Take a look at the build.... it look about 15 or so hours to get it to this point!
Started with un trimmed pieces and trimmed them down quite a bit!
Cut down the sides, as you can see it is now straight on the top and back
Trimmed the "Back", nice S shape
Cut out the eyes and the "teeth", pretty cool... its starting to look more and more like a bucket rather than a chunk of plastic
Test fitting the Cap and Back together. Also stuck the brow trim on so its starting to get that stormtrooper look
I put some tape down on the ears and around part of the mouth to avoid dripping or getting paint on anything. As well youll notice the paper towel taped to the head..... didnt want to scratch it in the process of painting.
Painted the front black, this was pretty difficult as the actual shape is very soft....
Test fit once again, I have installed the mic tips, and the tears, traps, and back traps (grey parts on the side and back... you cant really see it from this picture)
Inserted the mesh that goes behind the teeth to hopefully obscure people from seeing my face. I had to trim it down a bit as it was hitting the bottom of my nose when I put the helmet on.
Just put the ears back on! The green lenses are not in yet but other than that its pretty much there....
Inserted the lens and foam padding. Its going to take some time to adjust the pads to get it just right, but this is a good start.
And there you have it.... after about 15 hours and multiple days I have a standard stormtrooper helmet. I intend to keep working on it and adding to it as time goes on. I want to get a few fans, a microphone and really make my helmet something special, but for now this is all I need to get cleared to be in the 501st!